53 We are del ighted to announce Tokyo Polytechnic Universi ty’s 2021 Facul ty of Arts Fest ival . Tokyo Polytechnic Universi ty is an inst i tut ion special izing in media art, wi th educat ion and research in the f ields of photography, f i lm, design, interact ive media, animat ion, manga, and games, as wel l as other general educat ion. This 8th Faculty of Arts Festival is an attempt to showcase the dai ly research of facul ty members widely to al l of society. The theme of this year’s fest ival is ‘Sustainable x Sustainable – A New Approach to Sustainabi l i ty’ aiming towards expression that can be maintained. The fest ival features 21 works and posters, an increase on previous years. We feel that i t is an opportuni ty to mani fest our determinat ion to cont inue the pursui t of research and product ion despi te the various regulat ions in place related to the current circumstances wi th COVID-19. We hope that this event is a chance for many people to experience the powerful and sustainable art ist ic expressions of our facul ty members. OSHIMA Takeshi , Dean of the Facul ty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic Universi ty Greet ings,